(Click here to see a video of Gina, the mother.) 
(Click here to see a video of Simon, the grandfather )
 (Click here to see a video of Gina's half sister, Crystal and Travis the father) 
Gina and Travis's relatives (Note: If you happen to see mistakes like only 1 grandfather and 3 great grandfathers, it is because I am human and this is an html website. I do my best to post everyone accuratly, but do make mistakes from time to time. If you notice any mistakes, please tell me about it so I can correct it.)
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Gina and Travis, the parents

Travis the father

Travis, the father with one of his friends, Puffin

Mommy and auntie Crystal

Travis and Crystal again

One more time (Crystal and Gina share the same father, Bouncer pictured below).

Bouncer, the t cup grandfather

Dixie (Gina and Travis's daughter) on her way to Christmas dinner. What a doll.

Gina's daughter Stella is on the left. She weighs under 3 pounds. Travis is Simon's son which makes this breeding 3/4 the same as Stella's.


Simon, the t cup grandfather

Gina the mother

Gina the mother again. She hates to take pics. You can see her normal looking eyes in the videos.

Another Gina pic

Pretty little Gina one more time

Sophia, the grandmother

Tiny, the great grandmother

Gina and Travis's little girl from a past litter. She is at the age where they shed their coats, but she still is stunning.

Gina and Travis's little girl from a past litter again


Phyche, the great grandfather

Glow Worm, the great grandmother

Monet, a dog I bred when I bred Glow Worm above to Snickers, towards bottom of the page.

Fluffy, the great grandfather

Judy, the great great great grandmother

Vito, the great great grandfather

Sky, the great great grandmother;

Snickers, the great great great great grandfather

Maxx, Snicker's son

Snickers great aunt

Write for more pictures or information. Email: ueyschihuahuas@aol.com

Millie is Snicker's daughter

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